Once war broke out, between birds and beast, both the parties were equally strong. Bats remained neutral. The battle raged for many days. Neither side was sure of its victory. Bats went on seeing the fight but did not join any party.
After some time birds began to lose ground. “Please help us”, said the birds to the bats. “How we can join you and help?” replied the bats. “We have teeth like beasts. We are mammals. We suckle our young ones”. The bats joined the beasts that were wining ground at that time. But as ill-luck would have it, after two or three days more, the tide of the battle turned in favor of birds.
The bats now realized that they have made a wrong decision. They, at once left the beast saying, “We are birds. We have wings; we fly. We will help the birds”. The birds, however, did not allow the bats to join them. They said, “We do not need your help now”.
In a few days, both the side were reconciled. A peace agreement was signed between them. They became friends once more. As the bats had proved false to both the parties, they were hated by both the birds and the beasts, who turned them out of their fraternity and company.
The bats felt ashamed and retired into the holes of trees. Since then they keep to their holes during the daytime and come out at night.
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